
Transform Your Events!



corporate event planning and management
Promoting Your Virtual Event

Promoting Your Virtual Event

Promoting Your Virtual Event Getting Started with Virtual Events: Pre-Event Success Series #6 Why Promoting Your Virtual Event is Important Promoting your virtual event should be a strategic endeavor.  You need to have a detailed plan on when, where and how to promote...

Producing a Seamless Virtual Event Experience

Producing a Seamless Virtual Event Experience

Producing a Seamless Virtual Event Experience Getting Started with Virtual Events: Pre-Event Success Series #5 Introduction Producing  a seamless virtual event experience doesn't just automatically. It takes thought, time and a lot of planning.  Once you’ve decided on...

Providing Exceptional Virtual Event Content

Providing Exceptional Virtual Event Content

Providing Exceptional Virtual Event Content Getting Started with Virtual Events: Pre-Event Success Series #4 Introduction The content of your event are all the elements you put together to present your event to your audience.  From the speakers and sessions to...

Choose Your Virtual Event Platform

Choose Your Virtual Event Platform

    Choose Your Virtual Event Platform Getting Started with Virtual Events: Pre-Event Success Series #3 Introduction It might seem logical to choose your virtual event platform before you determine your audience and plan your program.  However, unless you know what...

The Importance of Determining Your Event Audience

The Importance of Determining Your Event Audience

The Importance of Determining Your Event Audience Getting Started with Virtual Events: Pre-Event Success Series #2 Introduction Putting on a great event that achieves your business goals can be a challenge, but with the right strategy your event will be a...

The First 3 Steps for Virtual Event Success

The First 3 Steps for Virtual Event Success

The First 3 Steps for Virtual Event Success Getting Started with Virtual Events: Pre-Event Success Series #1   Putting on a great event that achieves your business goals can be a challenge, but with the right strategy your event will be a success. (Tweet This!) ...

6 Tips to Attract Attendees to Your Virtual Event

6 Tips to Attract Attendees to Your Virtual Event

Looking for ways to maximize event attendance? Here are six great tips that work. Events are a great way to create brand awareness, network, attract new prospects and establish industry connections. (Tweet This!) For that to really succeed, you’ll need your ideal...

How an Outside Event Manager Can Save Your Business Money

How an Outside Event Manager Can Save Your Business Money

How an Outside Event Manager Can Save Your Business Money When it’s time to plan a marketing event for your business, which is the more cost-effective option; hiring an outside event manager or using your internal marketing team? Your first instinct might be to choose...

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Is a VIRTUAL event right for you?  Is now a good time to host an event? 

We'll discuss your potential event to determine the right way to move forward.